In a sense, MeetUp online is a portal for bringing together people who are interested in certain things. I want encourage you to use MeetUp Groups to find local influencers and groups. You can use existing meetup groups or use the Meetup website for that. For real estate groups, you can also use my website. It's a great tool for this. Traditionally, real estate investors have been able to connect with other investors and influencers through their local Real Estate Investor's Associations. This is one of the ways that my good friend and business partner, Rick Melero, moves and shakes in areas where he's never been.
He shows up and people know who he is, and they know who his students are because he has given them specific exercises to do to connect with these influencers. If there's not already an influential group in your area, there is a lot to be gained by stepping up and starting one—mainly a lot of influence in your local area among real estate investors who are glad to see something of that nature organized.
So if there isn't a group in your local area, this is your opportunity.
Start one! Use MeetUp to find local influencers. This works not only within the real estate industry but within all industries, whatever your interest or passion is, you can use it. If you're interested in real estate and you really want to fill that local influence space yourself, it would also benefit you to start a group within our group on Real Deal Community website. Just start a group within our network and build your own network within ours. Would I be happy if you did that? Sure, I'd be very happy if you did that. That'd be great!Some of our network members have been brought into our internal discussions and planning on where we're taking The Real Deal Community social network for real estate investors site, how we're by the end of the year planning for this to be a minimum of 30,000 real estate investors and professionals in the network. Do the math that's a minimum of 600 within every state if you do a simply divide by 50. Those 600 people not only will be in that state but they'll also be in your group.
For example if you're in North Carolina, start North Carolina Real Group. If you're in Wisconsin, start Wisconsin Real Deal. If you're in Illinois start Real Deal Illinois and so on, do that and we will have every reason to help you grow that in your local area.
I hope that you see how you can use the Real Deal Community and MeetUp to find local influencers. The real point is to get connected with influencers by getting plugged into an existing group or by starting your own.
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